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Mik azok a cookie-k?

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Milyen módon előzhetem meg azt, hogy a cookie-k eltárolódjanak a számítógépemen?

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Milyen cookie-kat tárolunk ezen a weboldalon?

Ez a weboldal kizárólag ilyen cookie-kat tárol:

1. Technikai Cookie-k - ezek elengedhetetlenek a weboldal futtatásához.
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Felhívjuk figyelmét, hogy ez a weboldal cookie-kat (sütiket) használ. Ezek a weboldal megfelelő működéséhez szükségesek. A weboldal böngészésével Ön elismeri, hogy elfogadta a "Cookie irányelvekben" leírtakat és a webhely által használt sütiket.

My team did an EXCELLENT job

2012.10.07. |

With a bit of an exageration Kyle Swanston won the game for KK Kaposvar against Lami-Véd Körmend, on away season opener. The Legionnaire scored 43 points, including 9 three-pointers and two awesome dunks.

With a bit of an exageration Kyle Swanston won the game for KK Kaposvar against Lami-Véd Körmend, on away season opener. The Legionnaire scored 43 points, including 9 three-pointers and two awesome dunks. 

Yesterday made a very massive performance. Scored 43 points, incl. 9 threes. It was your best game in your carrier?

I think it was one of my good performances. I shot the ball well and I think my team did an EXCELLENT job of finding me. I have hit 9 threes two other times in College. I hold the record at JMU for threes made in 1 game and also in the gym of Liberty College.

What was the key thing for the victory?

For us, and any team going into a challenging away court, you need to keep the lead and execute down the stretch (at the end of the game). We did a good job of getting the ball into the right people's hands in the right moments. Their crowd was VERY ANIMATED and very loud so it was hard to hear plays sometimes.

Which were your first impressions about your team-mates, your coach and fans, hungarian people?

My first impressions were good in all three categories. the first person I met in Hungary was the manager "Guba", and he, to this day, treats me GREAT! My coach and my teammates are very supportive of me and trust me and my basketball skills.

You have a very quality team. What is your main goal for season?

Some people set goals (i.e.. finish in the top 4 or 5) but I just try for #1 every season, that way, if you shoot for the top then you will always reach your max potential.

How do you feel yourself in Kaposvár?

I feel that Kaposvar is a good fit for me so far, and I can add a great shooting and scoring advantage to this and any team. I hope to see our fans coming out and making noise on Wednesday for our first home game of the season against a very talented team.

Thank you for you answers!

Thank you for the kind interview!

Adorján István, 

Kapcsolódó cikkek:
Swanston's show 2012.10.06.
2024.12.14 17:00
Jászberényi KSE
Kometa Kaposvári KK
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